The Simulation Parameters menu is used to define the number of iterations to run the simulation and the length of each iteration. Setting the appropriate run quantity and run length is critical for capturing enough data to be form statistically significant model of the production system’s behavior. Simulation starts are also established in this menu. Simulation Starts define the times that new work will be pushed into the production system.

To Edit Simulation Parameters:

  1. Open the Data Entry pane on the left side of the User Interface
  2. Select Simulation Parameters
  3. Select the pen button to open the Simulation Parameters menu
  4. Select the input box for the parameter to be changed
  5. Type in the value for that parameter
  6. Select outside the input box of that parameter to finalize the input
  7. Repeat as necessary
  8. Select Close to exit the menu

To Create Simulation Starts:

  1. Open the Data Entry pane on the left side of the User Interface
  2. Select Simulation Parameters
  3. Select the pen button to open the Simulation Parameters menu
  4. Select the + Add button to add a Simulation Start
  5. Select the drop-down input box for Item
  6. Select the Item desired
  7. Select the input box for Start Time in the same row as the newly added Item
  8. Type in a value for Start Time in the format of calendar hours
  9. Select the input box for Quantity in the same row of the newly added Item
  10. Type in a value for Quantity (integer values only)
  11. Select outside of the input box to finalize the input
  12. Repeat as necessary
  13. Select Close to exit the menu

To Edit an Existing Simulation Start:

  1. Open the Data Entrypane on the left side of the User Interface
  2. Select Simulation Parameters
  3. Select the pen button to open the Simulation Parameters menu
  4. Edit the input fields as necessary
  5. Select Close to exit the menu

To Delete a Simulation Start:

  1. Open the Data Entry pane on the left side of the User Interface
  2. Select Simulation Parameters
  3. Select the pen button to open the Simulation Parameters menu
  4. Select the appropriate X button on the right side of the menu
  5. Select Close to exit the menu

Resource Pool Data Element Description

Data ElementDescriptionConstraints
SeedA Seed, commonly known as a Random Seed is a number
used to initialize a pseudorandom number generator. A
pseudorandom number generator’s sequence is completely
determined by the seed. Thus, running a model with the
same seed will produce the exact same results. If no seed is
provided, the random values that the algorithm generates
will follow a probability distribution in a pseudorandom manner.
Integer ≥ 0
Number of RunsThe number of times that the simulation will runInteger > 0
Simulation Start (Days)The time at which statistics will begin recording for analysis≥ 0
Simulation End (Days)The time at which the simulation will stop regardless of if
there is remaining work to be completed.

If the scope of work to be run by the system finishes before
the Simulation End time, the simulation will stop prior to this
set time.
> 0
Simulation Start DateThis enables the user to convert the reporting of results from
simulation hours to calendar dates.
Select Date
Use Start DateThis must be checked if the user desires the results to be
communicated in calendar dates. A selection of Simulation
Start Date is mandatory with the selection of this check box.
Check mark
ItemSelection of a predefined itemItems
Start Time (Hours)The time at which an item will be pushed into the production
system. This time is in the format of calendar hours starting
from Time = 0.
≥ 0
QuantityThe number of an item that will be pushed into the system
at once at the defined start time.
> 0