Scenarios enable a user to perform multiple tests on the same model by fluctuating model inputs. The inputs currently available to test include average process time and variability in average process time for process steps within the production system model.

To create a Scenario:

  1. Open the Data Entry pane on the left side of the User Interface
  2. Select Scenarios
  3. Select the + button and fill in the input fields
  4. Begin by naming the scenario
  5. Select + Add
  6. Select the drop-down list for Process Names and select the desired process
  7. Input the desired fluctuation percentages of that process’s process time and variability
  8. Select Create

To edit an existing Item:

  1. Double click the scenario name or select the scenario name and then select the pen button
  2. Edit the input fields and select Close

To delete an existing Item:

  1. Select the scenario and then select the X button

Item Data Element Description

Data ElementDescriptionConstraints
NameDescription of the scenario
Process NameChoose from list of Process StepsProcess Steps
Time Factor (%)Percentage to fluctuate average process time> 0
Variability Factor (%)Percentage to fluctuate SCV of process time> 0