A routing is a sequence of process steps (operations) that transform an item. The Production Optimizer automatically generates routings each time a sequence of operations is enclosed with a starting and ending stock point. Multiple items can be assigned to a single routing and each routing is assigned to only one product flow.

To Create a Routing:

  1. Routings are automatically generated as you build your production system model. They are created once a sequence of operations is enclosed with a beginning and ended with a stock point.

To Edit an Existing Routing:

  1. Double click the routing or select the routing and then select the pen button
  2. Edit the input fields and select Close

To Delete an Existing Routing:

  1. Select the routing and then select the X button

Routing Data Element Description

Data ElementDescriptionConstraints
DescriptionA description of the routing
Product FlowA product flow is a generic routing or group of routings
where demand from items (parts) is placed on resources
(labor or machines).
Product Flows
Beginning Stock PointThe beginning point of the routing, either an intermediate
stock point or raw materials inventory. This is the stock
point for the component(s) that feed a routing.
Stock Points
Ending Stock PointThe end point of the routing, either an intermediate stock
point or finished goods inventory. This is the stock point
for the item assigned to the routing.
Stock Points