Process centers represent the entities that are used to produce products or perform services in a production system. A process center represent a machine, a piece of equipment, a person or team of people, or the combination of machines, equipment and people.

To Create a Process Center:

  1. Open the Data Entry Pane on the left side of the User Interface
  2. Select Process Centers
  3. Select the + button and fill in the input fields
  4. Select Create

To Edit an Existing Process Center:

  1. Double click the process center or select the process center and then select the pen button
  2. Edit the input fields and select Close

To Delete an Existing Process Center:

  1. Select the process center and then select the X button

Process Center Data Element Description

Data ElementDescriptionConstraints
DescriptionA description of the process center.
ScheduleThe scheduled assigned to this process center. The schedule is used to determine the time available for this process center during the demand period.Existing Schedules
Batching TypeSequential batching occurs when a process center processes one production unit at a time.

Simultaneous batching occurs when a process center processes more than one unit at a time (e.g., heat treat, vacuum furnace, painting).  The number of parts worked on at one time is equal to the process batch size set in each item table.

A conveyor machine is one in which parts are loaded at a certain rate and there is a fixed delay in moving the parts through the length of the conveyor. For example, one type of conveyor can be thought of as a move operation that is used to transfer parts between two sequential machines.

There are two parameters associated with defining a conveyor  1) The production rate / load rate of the conveyor and 2) The time required to traverse through the conveyor.
Sequential, Simultaneous,
or Conveyor
Number of MachinesThe number of parallel process centers available to perform work. Integer > 0
Maximum UtilizationAn upper limit on the process center’s utilization. > 0 and < 100
Mean Time to FailureThe average time between failures (in hours) or scheduled maintenance from start after previous stop up to the moment of going down.  If there are no failures, enter 99999. > 0
Mean Time to RepairThe average repair or maintenance time (in hours).  If none, enter 0.> 0
Not Capacity ConstrainedChecked = Infinite Capacity, e.g. outside servicesCheck mark