Items are the physical (and non-physical) entities that flow through the production system. Depending on the production system type, the items will vary. An engineering production system may have items in the form of drawings, specifications, and approvals. A fabrication or assembly production system may have items in the form of raw materials, parts and assemblies. A supply chain production system may gave items in the form of shipments, bundles, and containers components being transported. Construction production systems may have items such as  foundations, steel structures, permanent equipment, and commissioned systems. 

To Create an Item:

  1. Open the Data Entry pane on the left side of the User Interface
  2. Select Item
  3. Select the + button and fill in the input fields
  4. Select Create

To Edit an Existing Item:

  1. Double click the item or select the item and then select the pen button
  2. Edit the input fields and select Close

To Delete an Existing Item:

  1. Select the item and then select the X button

Item Data Element Description

Data ElementDescriptionConstraints
DescriptionDescription of the item
IDUnique ID for itemUnique to all other items
Unit of MeasureThe ID for the unit of measure, selected from the
Unit of Measure table
UOM table
Fixed Order PolicyIf this is checked, current reorder points and reorder
policies will not be changed as part of the inventory
optimization calculation, i.e. existing policies are frozen.
Check mark
Purchased ProductIndicates if the item is purchased from a 3rd party and
not manufactured at the plant.

This determines if the Production Optimizer should look
for a routing when modeling capacity. If this is checked, Bill
of Material explosion will not attempt to explode demand past this item.
Check mark
Transfer Batch (Units)The number of units that is moved or transferred
between steps in the routing.  If this changes throughout
the process, choose the largest value.
Integer ≥ 0
Raw Unit Cost ($)The total raw material cost of one unit≥ 0
Total Unit Cost ($)The cost of one unit, including labor and raw materials≥ 0
On Hand (Units)The current number of units (UOM) on hand. Used to
compare against CONWIP Level if Bottleneck CONWIP protocol is set.
Integer ≥ 0
Historical Cycle Time (Days)Average historical cycle time in days≥ 0
Revenue ScheduleWeekly revenue schedule used as an input to Value Model
Revenue table
Average Number of Orders (Per Period)This is the number of orders (in units) released during the
schedule period.  It is also equal to the number of orders
started. If there is no information on average order size,
set this field equal to demand in units during the schedule period and set Average Order Size to 1.
> 0
Variance of Orders (Per Period)Variance of orders or mean squared error of forecast. If no
information on Average Order Size, this becomes the variance of demand.
> 0
Average Order SizeThe average size of the orders released. This is applicable
for bulk demand situations where partial shipments are
Integer > 0
Standard Deviation of Order SizeThe standard deviation of the order size. Applicable to bulk
demand situations. Enter 0 when dealing with single demands.
> 0
Average Lead Time (Days)The amount of time required to receive a stock order
into stock after the inventory position for the stock point reaches the reorder point.

In other words, it is the time between the order is placed
and the time is arrives to the stock point
> 0
Standard Deviation of Lead TimeStandard deviation of the lead time. ≥ 0
Include Backorder TimeIf checked the system will include backorder time in the replenishment time calculation

If a BOM has been created and this box is checked, the
replenishment time for each item will include the cycle
times of the items beneath them in the BOM hierarchy
Check mark
ROP MethodFlag to indicate how the order time values are computed
using the entered values

Fixed: Safety Stock is calculated using the entered Reorder Point (ROP) value

Time-Phased: ROP is calculated using the entered Safety
Stock value, average daily demand, and lead time
Safety Stock Quantity (Units)Number of units kept on-hand to buffer variability in demandInteger ≥ 0
Current Reorder Point (Units)Inventory Position at which the next order is triggeredInteger ≥ 0
Lot Size MethodFlag to indicate how the lot size values are computed
using the entered values

Days of Supply: Reorder Quantity (ROQ) is calculated based on the entered Days of Supply Value

Fixed Order Size: Days of Supply is calculated based on
the entered ROQ value.
Days of Supply,
Fixed Order Size
Days of Supply (Days)The number of days that MRP (material requirements planning will look out past the first occurrence of a negative
projected on hand balance. MRP will accumulate
all demand in the days specified and use that as the order amount.
> 0
Current Reorder Quantity (Units)Standard order quantity of the itemInteger > 0
Minimum Reorder Quantity (Units)The minimum order quantity allowed for this itemInteger ≥ 0
Maximum Reorder Quantity (Units)The maximum order quantity allowed for this item0 – 999,999
Reorder Quantity Increment (Units)The increment order quantity allowed for this itemInteger > 0
Minimum Fill Rate (%)A user-specified lower limit on fill rate. When inventory
optimization is done, it will ensure that the item’s fill rate will be no less than specified here.
< 100
Planned Lead Time (Days)The time planned between a new order for a part and the furnishing of that part.> 0
Order Cost ($)Out of pocket cost associated with orders.≥ 0
Made to StockIf checked, the inventory optimizer will include this item in the stock point optimizationCheck mark

Production System Demand

Calculating demand is a necessity for modeling any production system. This section describes how to calculate demand for Project Production Systems and Manufacturing / Supply Chain Production Systems

Demand is the consumption (in items per period) “seen” by the items in the production system. Demand for each item is given in terms of a mean and a variance. There are a few topics that come up repeatedly in discussing item demand and they will be addressed here to provide guidance for the user.

Demand for Projects

Demand in a project environment is almost always deterministic. As Front-End Engineering and Design (FEED) concludes, and Detailed Engineering kicks off, rough quantities for demand planning are already decided and will become available to the planner. Accurate demand quantities will be available after material takeoffs are accepted.

Once the project milestones and schedule are determined, a timeline is in place. This timeline and the quantities per time can be used to calculate the rate of demand for each element in a project production system. Thus, the rates of demand over the course of engineering, fabrication, construction, and commissioning are set by 2 factors:

  • Total quantity of production units – these are things such as engineering documents, steel beams, pipe spools, electrical cable, modules, hydrotest packs, and other components of the project.
  • Start and Finish dates – these dates are typically taken from the project schedule and are driven by project objectives and constraints. These set the speed at which the production units must be produced.

To calculate demand, divide the number of production units that need to be produced by the time between the start and finish dates. For example, an engineering team needs to produce 1500 isometric drawings between July 1st and October 31st. This represents an average of 17.5 working weeks, the assuming engineering team works Monday through Friday. Demand for this engineering team is 85.7 drawings per week (1500 drawings / 17.5 weeks). This can be rounded up to 86 for the sake of working with whole numbers.

A demand of 86 drawings per week represents a uniform demand over the 17.5 weeks. In the real world, demand profiles can take on many shapes and may not be uniform. If not uniform, project teams should investigate if smoothing demand (making more uniform) is possible. This will reduce variability in the production system and make capacity planning easier. If smoothing demand is not possible due to its impact on other project production systems and if access to additional labor and equipment takes time, project teams should plan for peak demand periods and accept low utilization during low demand periods.

Four Possible Demand Profiles for the Same Demand: 1500 Drawings Over 17.5 weeks

Demand for Manufacturing and Supply Chain

There are two major sources of information about demand: history and forecast. Calculating demand and variance from historical data is straightforward. Generally, monthly demand is used. An example of a monthly demand calculation is provided in Table 1. Weekly demand is better to use if it is available because there is no need to compensate for the different number of days in each month. This applies particularly for companies that use a 4-4-5 calendar.

Item 1100200500601603001,32022025,760
Sample 6-Month Demand

Forecast Error

Past performance is not always a good predictor of future performance. A common question is, “How will the Production Optimizer address future demand?” The answer is: with a forecast. However, there are two things to keep in mind about forecasts:

  1. The forecast is always wrong
  2. The forecast will always change

Companies can use forecast error for demand variance. Forecast error should be measured using the Mean Squared Error (MSE) of the forecast. Additionally, the horizon over which the forecast error should be measured should be equal to the replenishment time of the item. If an item has a replenishment time of 4 weeks, the MSE should be measured for the four-week forecast for that item.

If the MSE is consistently greater than the historical variance of demand, there is more variability being introduced into the inventory control process with forecasting than would be by simply using historical variance. In other words, in this case, forecasting makes things worse.

Variance to Mean Ratio

When it comes to forecasting demand variance, historical variance is a very good indicator of future variance. In that case, using the variance-to-mean ratio provides a very good estimator of future variance. The application is simple. Calculate historical mean demand and variance of demand, or X-bar and S2. Estimate future mean demand from the forecast, μF. Divide historical variance by historical mean and multiply this by the future mean demand to get an estimate of future variance of demand:

σ2F,μF * S/ X-bar