Optimization Parameters are used to support the Production Optimizer’s Value Modeling analysis module. 

To Edit Optimization Parameters:

  1. Open the Data Entry pane on the left side of the User Interface
  2. Select Optimization Parameters
  3. Select the pen button that appears to the right to open the menu
  4. Make the desired changes to the input fields
  5. Select Close

Optimization Parameters Data Element Description

Data ElementDescriptionConstraints
Discount RateDiscount rate to be used in Net Present Value calculation> 0 and < 1
Weeks of ProductionNumber of weeks of production to calculate net revenue≥ 0
Report Time Horizon (Weeks)The number of weeks used in the Net Present Value calculation≥ 0
Graph Time Horizon (Weeks)Plotting parameters for which to plot Investment Cost, Net Revenue and CashflowCheck mark
ScheduleUsed to determine number of working hours per week for the Net Present Value calculationSchedules
Include Scenario ModelingCheck the box to include scenario modeling in Value ModelCheck mark